

  • In a nutshell
    • Example: "In a nutshell, the project was a success."
    • Translation: "한마디로 요약하면, 그 프로젝트는 성공적이었다."
  • To sum it up
    • Example: "To sum it up, we need more time to finish the task."
    • Translation: "한마디로 요약하면, 우리는 작업을 마치는 데 더 많은 시간이 필요하다."
  • In summary
    • Example: "In summary, the team performed well despite the challenges."
    • Translation: "한마디로 요약하면, 팀은 어려움에도 불구하고 잘 수행했다."
  • In short
    • Example: "In short, they decided to cancel the event."
    • Translation: "한마디로 요약하면, 그들은 행사를 취소하기로 결정했다."
  • To put it simply
    • Example: "To put it simply, the solution worked perfectly."
    • Translation: "한마디로 요약하면, 그 해결책은 완벽하게 작동했다."
  • In brief
    • Example: "In brief, the presentation was informative and engaging."
    • Translation: "한마디로 요약하면, 그 발표는 유익하고 흥미로웠다."
  • Simply put
    • Example: "Simply put, we underestimated the budget."




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