

The CEO of DeepSeek is Liang Wenfeng. He was born in 1985 in Guangdong Province, China, and studied mathematics at Zhejiang University. He founded DeepSeek in 2023, leading innovations in the field of artificial intelligence.


Zhejiang University (浙江大学) was established in 1897 and is a prestigious national university in China, known as part of the C9 League, often referred to as China's version of the Ivy League. Located in Hangzhou, the university offers a wide range of disciplines including philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, arts, science, and engineering, and is famous for its beautiful campus and excellent educational environment.

The library holds approximately 6.9 million books, and as of 2017, the university had 53,673 students, including both undergraduates and graduate students, with 8,657 faculty members and 6,843 international students.

Zhejiang University is known for its high academic difficulty and challenging graduation requirements. Around 70% of Korean students drop out or receive academic warnings. The biggest hurdle for students is meeting the graduation requirements.

Thanks to its academic rigor and excellent educational environment, Zhejiang University has produced numerous globally influential figures. Among them, Nobel laureate in physics, Li Zhengdao (李政道), studied physics at Zhejiang University, and his research made significant contributions to modern physics. Additionally, Liu Jiwei (楼继伟), a renowned Chinese economist and politician, studied economics at Zhejiang University and later served as the Minister of Finance of China, playing a crucial role in the country’s economic policies.

Through academic excellence and strict education, Zhejiang University continues to produce influential figures who maintain its global reputation.

Zhejiang University is highly ranked within China. In the 2024 comprehensive rankings of Chinese universities, it placed 4th.

On the global stage, Zhejiang University’s ranking fluctuates. In the 2025 QS World University Rankings, Zhejiang University was ranked 47th.




저장대학교(浙江大学)는 1897년에 설립된 중국의 명문 국립대학교로, 중국판 아이비리그로 불리는 C9 연맹에 속해 있습니다. 항저우에 위치한 이 대학은 철학, 경제학, 법학, 교육학, 문학, 역사학, 예술학, 이학, 공학 등 다양한 분야의 학과를 보유하고 있으며, 아름다운 캠퍼스와 우수한 교육 환경으로 유명합니다.


도서관은 약 690만 권의 장서를 보유하고 있으며, 2017년 기준으로 학부생과 대학원생을 포함한 학생 수는 53,673명, 교직원 수는 8,657명, 유학생은 6,843명에 달합니다.


저장대학교는 학업의 난이도가 높아 졸업이 어렵기로 유명합니다. 한국인 유학생 중 70%가 자퇴하거나 학사경고를 받고 떠나기도 하며, 학생들이 부딪히는 가장 큰 벽은 바로 졸업 요건을 충족하는 것입니다.


이러한 학문적 엄격함과 우수한 교육 환경 덕분에, 저장대학교는 세계적으로 영향력 있는 인물들을 다수 배출하였습니다. 그 중에서도 노벨 물리학상 수상자인 리정다오(李政道) 박사는 저장대학교에서 물리학을 전공하였으며, 그의 연구는 현대 물리학에 큰 기여를 하였습니다. 또한, 중국의 저명한 경제학자이자 정치인인 루지웨이(楼继伟)는 저장대학교에서 경제학을 전공하였으며, 이후 중국 재정부 장관을 역임하며 국가 경제 정책에 중요한 역할을 하였습니다.

이처럼 저장대학교는 학문적 우수성과 엄격한 교육을 통해 세계적으로 영향력 있는 인물들을 배출하며, 국제 사회에서 그 명성을 이어가고 있습니다.


저장대학교(浙江大学)는 중국 내에서 상위권 대학으로 평가받고 있습니다. 2024년 중국 대학 종합 순위에서 저장대학교는 4위에 올랐습니다.


세계 대학 순위에서는 저장대학교의 순위가 다소 변동이 있습니다. 2025년 QS 세계 대학 순위에서 저장대학교는 47위로 평가되었습니다



Chinese AI Startup DeepSeek Emerges as a New Powerhouse in the AI Industry

DeepSeek, an artificial intelligence (AI) startup, was founded in May 2023 in Hangzhou, China, by Liang Wenpeng (梁文鹏). Liang studied Information and Electronic Engineering at Zhejiang University and later obtained a master's degree in Information and Communication Engineering from the same institution. He initially co-founded the hedge fund "High Flyer" with his friends to raise capital and later ran an AI research lab before officially launching DeepSeek to focus on AI development.


Gaining Attention for Low-Cost, High-Performance AI Models



DeepSeek has drawn significant attention for developing high-performance AI models at relatively low costs. Notably, its latest model, DeepSeek R1, was trained at an estimated cost of approximately $5.58 million (about 7.88 billion KRW), just one-tenth of the training cost of Meta’s "Llama 3." Furthermore, while OpenAI's ChatGPT development team consists of around 1,200 engineers, DeepSeek achieved its results with only about 180 team members.

One of DeepSeek’s most remarkable achievements is delivering performance comparable to ChatGPT despite using NVIDIA’s lower-performance H800 chips instead of high-end AI chips. This breakthrough has sent shockwaves through the AI industry.

Impact on the U.S. AI Industry

The emergence of DeepSeek R1 has significantly impacted the U.S. tech industry. Following the model’s release, stock prices of American AI-related companies, including NVIDIA, initially plummeted but later rebounded. In response, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman stated, "It is very encouraging to see a new competitor emerge," while also expressing confidence by adding, "We will release a far superior model."

Controversy Over Censorship on Chinese-Related Topics

Despite its impressive technological advancements, DeepSeek has faced criticism for censoring responses to sensitive topics related to China. For example, when asked, "What kind of person is President Xi Jinping?" the model replied, "I can't answer this question. Let's continue our conversation on another topic." Similarly, when questioned about the Tiananmen Square incident, it avoided providing a response.

Reshaping the AI Landscape

According to Apple’s App Store, DeepSeek is introduced as an "AI chatbot that answers questions and helps improve efficiency in daily life." By demonstrating that high-performance AI can be developed at a low cost, DeepSeek is reshaping the competitive landscape of the AI industry and is expected to have a significant influence in the future.




중국 AI 스타트업 딥시크(DeepSeek), AI 업계의 새로운 강자로 부상  

Deekseek CEO 량원펑

딥시크(DeepSeek)는 2023년 5월 중국 항저우에서 설립된 인공지능(AI) 스타트업으로, 창업자는 량원펑(梁文鹏)입니다. 그는 저장대학교에서 정보전자공학을 전공하고, 같은 대학에서 정보커뮤니케이션공학 석사 학위를 취득한 후, 친구들과 함께 헤지펀드 ‘하이플라이어(High Flyer)’를 설립하여 자금을 모았습니다. 이후 AI 연구소를 운영하다가 딥시크를 창업하며 본격적으로 AI 개발에 뛰어들었습니다. 

저비용·고성능 AI 모델 개발로 주목받다
딥시크는 상대적으로 적은 비용으로 고성능 AI 모델을 개발하며 주목받고 있습니다. 특히, 최신 모델인 딥시크 R1은 훈련 비용으로 약 558만 달러(약 78억 8천만 원)가 사용되었는데, 이는 메타(Meta)의 ‘라마(Llama) 3’ 모델 훈련 비용의 10분의 1 수준에 불과합니다. 또한, 개발 인원 역시 챗GPT의 1,200여 명에 비해 딥시크는 180여 명으로 훨씬 적은 규모에서 이뤄졌습니다.  
특히, 딥시크는 엔비디아의 고성능 AI 칩 대신 비교적 저성능인 H800을 활용하면서도 챗GPT에 버금가는 성능을 구현해 AI 업계에 큰 충격을 주었습니다.  

미국 AI 업계에 미친 영향
딥시크 R1의 등장은 미국 기술 산업에도 큰 영향을 미쳤습니다. 모델 공개 이후 엔비디아(NVIDIA) 등 미국 AI 관련 기업들의 주가가 급락했으나, 이후 반등에 성공했습니다. 이에 대해 샘 올트먼(Sam Altman) 오픈AI CEO는 “새로운 경쟁자가 나타나 아주 고무적”이라면서도, “우리가 훨씬 뛰어난 모델을 내놓을 것”이라고 자신감을 보였습니다.  

중국 관련 질문에 대한 검열 논란
그러나 딥시크는 중국 관련 민감한 질문에 대해 답변을 회피하거나 검열하는 모습을 보이며 한계를 드러냈다는 평가 도 받고 있습니다. 예를 들어, ‘시진핑 주석은 어떤 사람이야?’라는 질문에 “이 질문은 답변할 수 없어. 다른 화제로 대화를 이어가자”라는 답변을 했으며, ‘천안문 사태’에 대한 질문 역시 회피하는 모습을 보였습니다.  

AI 업계의 판도를 바꾸다
애플 앱스토어에 따르면, 딥시크는 "질문에 답하고 효율적으로 삶을 개선하도록 돕는" AI 챗봇으로 소개되고 있습니다. 저비용으로도 고성능 AI를 개발할 수 있다는 가능성을 입증한 딥시크는 AI 업계의 경쟁 구도를 변화시키며, 앞으로도 큰 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상됩니다.


1. Downloading VMware

Visit https://www.vmware.com/ to download VMware. However, you may encounter broken links, as shown below.



2. Direct Download Link

You can access the installation file directly via the following link:


CDS Repository - /var/www/public/stage/session-120/cds/vmw-desktop/player/17.5.2/23775571/windows/core



3. Extracting and Running the Installer

After downloading, extract the files and run the installation file by double-clicking it.




4. Installation Setup

The setup window will appear. Click Next to proceed through the installation steps.





5. Free or Licensed Use

Once the installation is complete, launching VMware will show an option to use it for free or enter a license key. (Since I am not using it commercially, I selected the free option and clicked Continue.)


6. Completion Screen

The installation will finish with a screen like this. Click Finish to complete the setup.


7. Launching VMware

The VMware interface will appear, as shown below.


8. Downloading Ubuntu

Visit the official Ubuntu website at https://ubuntu.com/.

  • Navigate to Get Ubuntu -> Download Ubuntu Desktop.
  • Click Download 24.04 LTS (file size: ubuntu-24.04-desktop-amd64.iso – 5.69 GB).

Ubuntu Webpage


9. Installing Ubuntu in VMware

After downloading, open VMware and click Create a New Virtual Machine.



10. Selecting the ISO File

Choose the ISO file you just downloaded.

11. Setting User Information

Set the Full Name, Username, and Password as shown below, then click Next.


12. Configuring Virtual Machine Settings

Set the installation path, disk allocation, and review the final hardware specifications for your virtual machine.



13. Starting the Installation

Click Finish to start the Ubuntu installation. If an update screen appears, click Download and Install.

Note: If a black screen or flickering occurs during or after installation, refer to this guide: Ubuntu Black Screen Fix.



14. Setting Up Ubuntu

  • Choose Language (e.g., Korean).
  • Configure Accessibility in Ubuntu.
  • Select the Keyboard Layout.
  • The Network Connection screen will appear.

15. Choosing Installation Type

Click Continue through the subsequent steps until you see a screen asking whether to install Ubuntu or try it out. Choose Install Ubuntu.





16. Installation Modes

Select either Interactive Installation or Automated Installation:

  • Interactive Installation: Guide-assisted setup where you provide installation details step by step.
  • Automated Installation: Advanced option using an autoinstall.yaml file to automate the process.

I chose Interactive Installation and clicked Next.




17. Basic or Extended Installation

Choose between Default Installation (basic packages) or Extended Installation (includes utilities). I selected Extended Installation.



18. Additional Programs

Install additional recommended programs by selecting both options and clicking Next.



19. Disk and Account Setup

  • Choose Erase Disk and Install Ubuntu and click Next.
  • Set up your account name and password.


20. Final Installation

Once all settings are complete, click Install to begin.



21. Installation Progress

During installation, you can click the square icon in the bottom right corner to view installation details.



22. Completing Installation

After installation is finished, you will see the Ubuntu startup screen. Your Ubuntu setup is now complete!




During Windows 11 installation, you may encounter a situation where the installation cannot proceed without a network connection. In this case, the method to skip the network connection is as follows


Network Connection Page during Windows 11 Installation


On the screen above, pressing Shift + F10 will bring up a black Command Prompt window as shown below


At this point, type OOBE\BYPASSNRO into the Command Prompt and press Enter.


This will reboot the system, and the installation screen will reappear. On the network connection screen, you will see the message 'Not connected to the internet' as shown below. Click on it to proceed to the next installation screen.


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