def solution(n):
answer = [[0]*n for i in range(n)]
x, y = 0, 0
move_state = 0#right==0, down = 1, left=2, up=3
for i in range(1,(n*n)+1):
answer[y][x] = i
if move_state == 0: x+=1
elif move_state == 1: y+=1
elif move_state == 2: x-=1
elif move_state == 3: y-=1
if (move_state==0 and (x+1 >= n or answer[y][x+1]!=0)) or (move_state==1 and (y+1 >= n or answer[y+1][x]!=0)) or (move_state==2 and (x-1 < 0 or answer[y][x-1]!=0)) or (move_state==3 and (y-1 < 0 or answer[y-1][x]!=0)):
move_state =(move_state+1)%4
return answer
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