
이길에 이렇게 막힌적이 없는데?


"I've never been this stuck on this road before."


이길이 이렇게 막힌건 처음인데?


"This is the first time I've seen this road so jammed."


  1. 이 길이 이렇게 막히는 건 처음 봐.
    • "I've never seen this road this congested before."
    • "This is the first time I've seen this road this crowded."
  2. 이 길이 이렇게 차가 많은 적은 없었어.
    • "I've never seen this road with so many cars."
    • "This road has never had this much traffic before."
  3. 여기 이렇게 막히는 건 처음 경험해.
    • "This is the first time I've experienced this kind of traffic here."
    • "I've never experienced this much traffic on this road before."
  4. 이 길에서 이렇게 교통체증이 심한 적은 없었어.
    • "I've never experienced such heavy traffic on this road."
    • "The traffic on this road has never been this bad."
  5. 이 도로가 이렇게 혼잡한 건 진짜 처음이야.
    • "This road has never been this busy before."
    • "I've never seen this road this packed."

이 표현들은 상황에 따라 조금씩 다르게 사용할 수 있습니다.


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